Monday, 23 January 2012

Baby Blanket for not-quite-cooked niece

My sister is due a baby girl on Feb 1st.

On January 9th I decided that I should probably get the needles clicking and make something for her. The blanket that I started for my nephew still lays unfinished (he's nearly 3!)

I chose the Building Blocks pattern in the Blankets and Throws to Knit by Debbie Abrahams as I had 2 tones of pink I could use from my stash and there was no complicated intarsia.

So now : 23/1/2012 I am half completed. Some of the photos arent great quality as I had to knock the flash off to get the texture to show.

Also to note - I havent cast off between squares, merely slipped the stitches onto the other needle purlwise after completing the pattern, purled a row with the new colour then picked up the pattern at row 1 for the next square. I've not cast off the last row of the last sqaure either, and have left it on stitch holders. I'm wondering if it will be as easy to do this that pick up and knit for the border. Pick up and knit is one of my least favourite things to do, second only to blocking.

The clever among you may be able to spot where my counting went astray and I was too far ahead when I noticed and couldnt be bothered to rip it back ;-)

Edit: 30/1/12
Blanket is now complete. Decided not to knit a border as I thought it was unneccesary, and also reduced down the planned four rows to 3 as the size seemed to be about right as a pram blanket size. Hope my sister likes it and the baby now is allowed to arrive as my work is done. Due date: 1/2/12!!

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