Thursday, 6 March 2014

Weeks 7,8 and 9

Oops! A couple of weeks have gone by since I last blogged. Life has been very busy!

I spent a week away staying with my friend and we knitted, crocheted, sewed and drank lots of booze together!! It was such a lovely break. My blanket didn't go with my, but the bag of scraps did. My friend also gave me some yarn scraps which I incorporated a different yarn into each new hexagon.

Since then the weather had taken a brief flirt with spring so I've been at the allotment trying to get some of the weeds under control that have come up during the winter and preparing the soil ready for planting. I've made huge progress and hope to find some time soon to upload photos to my other blog (see above for the tab leading to it).

Having promised myself that this was the year for finishing projects that were ongoing I found myself signing up to a CAL in a facebook group (yes, you can all facepalm!!) Though the project is due to run over 4 months in the group I am hoping that it will be either completed by the end of the month or that I can finish it in time for Easter and have worked it as a Lent project.

I'm not going to post individual pics of the hexagons for this blog as it will take forever and a day to upload them, so here's a look at the past 3 weeks work.
Week 7

Week 8

Week 9